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Students Help Animals in Australia Impacted by Fires

Burnaby students are doing their part in the global effort to help animals that have been injured or displaced by the devastating bushfires in Australia. Millions of acres of land and precious animal habitats have been destroyed. Both elementary and secondary students are finding creative ways to help.

Students in Grades 5-7 at Twelfth Avenue Elementary recently launched a fundraiser they named “Jump for Joeys.” In Australia, the word “joey” can mean a baby kangaroo, any young animal, or even a young child. The project is all part of the students’ ongoing focus on practicing kindness at school, home, in the community, and sometimes in another part of the world. The students are collecting money to help with the costs of rescuing and caring for the animals. Donations will go to the , an organization that supports the protection of injured, threatened, or endangered wildlife.

Meanwhile at Burnaby Mountain Secondary, students have created dozens of pouches and liners for small roos, wallabies, and possums. Working in their Textiles Class with help from students representing all grade levels in the school, they also crocheted a handful of nests for birds and rodents. Their work was sent to Australia on a cargo flight, along with contributions from other crafters in the Vancouver area at the end of January.

Grade 9 student Yubin helped sew the pouches:

It feels good because I’m helping out a community. It’s also fun, too, because it’s kind of my hobby making crafts and stuff.”

The projects have also presented an opportunity for classrooms to talk about the importance of kindness and empathy, as well as helping to care for our earth and all living things, even in faraway places.

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